
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Synthesis Part Deux: Next Steps

Here they are, my lovely ladies! They have been working synthesis magic in my classroom over the last week. We've been really digging in to what it means to synthesize by using our schema and questioning to examine our changes in thinking. {See my last post if you missed it!} I've been brainstorming where to go next in this inquiry into synthesis, and after talking with a teammate today I think I've got it mapped out. But you know how it laid plans of mice and men and whatnot...

Monday, February 25, 2013

Synthesis and a *freebie*

I've been tackling the tricky thinking strategy of synthesis this month. I say "tricky" because it always seemed like too abstract of an idea for my kiddos to understand. How would I teach them to  understand how their thinking changed over time and texts?